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Credo’s Cache

Each week we will be highlighting important resources. Check back each Friday to see what we have dug up for you. From this week’s cache:

1. State of Affairs: Greg Smith – Smith says, “There are a lot of people angry at the church today. Everyone has their reasons. I will say upfront that I love the church unapologetically. I have spent ten years working with churches and thirty years as part of the church. With that being said, there has been a growing unrest building inside of me for a while.”

2. 7 Theological Issues Confronting the Local Church: Jason K. Allen – Allen notes, “There is something far worse than not having a crisis to engage. It is having a crisis but not engaging it. Faithfulness in our generation requires the church—and especially the pastors that lead it—to do our duty of preserving the faith and supporting the church. Are you ready to do yours?”

3. Doctors Live on the Brink of Death: Kathryn Butler – Butler says, “The physician suicide rate is twice that of the general population. This is no surprise. Without Christ, the daily fodder of medicine crushes the heart. Medical training mandates practitioners witness sin in graphic detail, yet the textbooks, instruments, and decades of study offer no context for forgiveness. Joseph understood God’s will at work in the face of evil (Genesis 50:20); medical training demands its practitioners confront evil, yet heaves culpability upon them.”

4. Let Us Repent of Our Nonchalance: Jared C. Wilson – Wilson says, “Pent-up hopes and dormant affections brought near the super-electric current of a fearsome reality. The hair on our arms stands up, gooseflesh springing, a sense of fresh air and being winded at the same time. Overwhelmed. That’s fear and trembling.”

5. Back to the Early Church?: Eric Davis – Davis notes, “Today, theological error still abounds. However, it is far less excusable. These days, almost everyone has a Bible. In the early church, no one did. Today, almost everyone has access to sound theological resources. Then, they did not. Today, the essential doctrines of the faith have been defined and tested over time. Then, they had not.”

Matt Manry is the Assistant Pastor at Life Bible Church in Canton, Georgia. He writes at

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