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Credo’s Cache

Each week we will be highlighting important resources. Check back each Friday to see what we have dug up for you. From this week’s cache:

1. Good Living is Rooted in Good Theology: Brandon D. Smith – Smith says, “Good theology is the system of roots that keeps our tree of faith vibrant and alive. It keeps us grounded and centered, yet growing. When we are rooted, we won’t remain stagnant. And neither will those around us.”

2. A Gentle Political Recalibration: Erik Raymond – Raymond notes, “It is easy to get stirred up from the news stations but it is hard to pray and be content in God. Faithfully pray for your leaders, pursue peace, advance the gospel, and rejoice in God’s kindness to you—even through unbelieving men and women.”

3. Don’t Lose Heart: Taylor Turkington – Turkington says, “While there are discouraging weeks, in this ministry there is great hope. Even when they don’t believe us. Even in the face of criticism. Even when we’ve seem to have lost. Why? Because God still shines light into hearts. He still opens eyes. He still builds his church. We don’t lose heart. We continue to proclaim Jesus, for he is the one with the power to transform. And he has promised that he will.”

4. 5 Ways the Ascension Benefits You: Steve Mathewson – Mathewson says, “It’s no wonder we are longing for the return of our King! When Jesus descends in the way he ascended, the bad times will be over for good, the darkness will lift, and everything sad will at last come untrue.”

5. Four Steps to Kill Nagging Sins: Gavin Ortlund – Ortlund notes, “In the gospel, God has given us the resources that we need to deal with nagging sins. Let me just mention three: patience, pardon, and power.”

Matt Manry is the Assistant Pastor at Life Bible Church in Canton, Georgia. He writes at

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