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Credo’s Cache

Each week we will be highlighting important resources. Check back each Friday to see what we have dug up for you. From this week’s cache:

1. Is it Biblical For Churches to Require a Tithe?: Jonathan Leeman – Leeman says, “With regular tithing included in so many church membership covenants, should pastors/elders hold members accountable to giving?”

2. Success is Dangerous: Jared C. Wilson – Wilson notes, “The counter-intuitive truth is this: getting bigger does not mean getting less vulnerable. It very often means the opposite.”

3. Why Are We Chasing?: Jeremy Writebol – Writebol says, “In the beginning, there were no Inner Rings. We were created perfectly in community with God and with others. We enjoyed the security and comfort of full and abundant provision. We were children loved and accepted by God. The reality is that we were part of the greatest community, the greatest Inner Ring; God’s special and uniquely imprinted creation.”

4. Thoughts on The Rise and Fall of Pastors: Scott Sauls – Sauls says, “The best grace you could give to us pastors, then, is this: Pray for us, live in community with us, and insist that we live in community with you. Please don’t put us on pedestals or treat us as heroes. Rather, recognize us as fellow sojourners with you.”

5. See No Evil: Samuel D. James – James notes, “We hunger for something better. We were created for chastity and faithfulness, family and friendship. The tangling of flesh only satisfies when the soul has shriveled to its size. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see more than immaculately Photoshopped bodies. They shall see God.”

Matt Manry is the Assistant Pastor at Life Bible Church in Canton, Georgia. He writes at

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