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Credo’s Cache

Each week we will be highlighting important resources. Check back each Friday to see what we have dug up for you. From this week’s cache:

1. Why Should We Study Systematic Theology?: Kevin DeYoung – DeYoung says, “I love systematic theology. I have for a long time. I plan on immersing myself in it for the rest of my life. I hope my congregation will too. I hope especially that pastors will make the study of systematic theology a lifelong pursuit. Yes, I really believe systematic theology is that important.”

2. 6 Costs of Real Friendships: Jen Thorn – Thorn notes, “Friendship is costly, but it is worth it. It is a gift of God—a gift he himself first modeled for us in the gospel.”

3. Do You Want to Move Up in Ministry?: Jim Fowler – Fowler says, “When I seek my glory, I grow envy or jealous of others. I’m not against having a platform but against seeking a platform that showcases and feeds into my self-idolatry rather than pointing to the God who deserves all glory and honor. If you have something to say, say it, blog it, tweet it, but don’t lose sight of whom we are pointing to.”

4. 6 Reasons Catechisms Make Truth Stick: Zach Barnhart – Barnhart notes, “Some people will attempt to memorize an entire catechism; others will find it helpful to use them in a more devotional sense, focusing less on memorization and more on exploring the ideas themselves. There is no one right way to use a catechism; the only wrong way is to leave it unused.”

5. What Are 3 Ways For A Pastor to Prepare His Heart Before Conducting a Funeral?: Brian Croft – Croft says, “Because there are so many elements to plan and logistics to prepare for, it is not uncommon for the pastor to have all his words prepared, service planned out, everyone in place, processional details checked off, and realize an essential element had been neglected—the pastor’s heart.”

Matt Manry is the Assistant Pastor at Life Bible Church in Canton, Georgia. He writes at

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